A Dream Come True! My art is in the Art Gallery of Hamilton 🤩


The days are getting shorter and the temps are getting colder. I hope you're bundling up and keeping warm.

If you're looking to see some art before going into hibernation... I have some great news for you!

My "Foal" painting is in an exhibition at the Art Gallery of Hamilton 🤩🤩🤩.

The Bigger Picture: Art in Hamilton 1950-2000 celebrates "the artists who contributed to the multi-faceted explosion of the Hamilton art scene in the last half of the 20th century" -AGH.

Being included in this wonderful show is an honour and a dream come true! It features over 100 works with a wide range of art styles and mediums. The exhibition is on until December 31st.

You can find out more here: The Bigger Picture Exhibition

Stay warm!

XO, Brooke

P.S. Want to see more of my horse paintings? Head here: Horse Gallery