Artist Statement


The subject of my artwork stems from personal experiences, my love of horses, travel, and relationships. Journaling and photography are important elements in my work due to my interest in art as a form of documentation. 

Inspired by the beauty found in the world, I strive to express the light, energy, and wonder of places I’ve visited. What begins as a quick watercolour sketch painted on-site while travelling, often becomes inspiration for larger oil paintings once back in the studio. Referencing my journals and travel photography as I paint is an integral part of my process. By doing so, I’m submerged into the memory of a specific time and place. Painting these works reminds me of the great sense of exhilaration and freedom that were felt when I was first discovering these unique places. My artworks include what I believe to be the most important details, and are a means for me to record the world’s beauty, as well as my lived experience.  

My equine artworks are inspired by my love and admiration for the horse. The human and horse relationship is complex and one of great historic significance. My own experiences with horses have been life changing and impactful. I am fascinated by their personalities, agility, and beauty. I am naturally drawn to painting horses and aspire to capture the look in a horse's eye, an aspect of its personality, its incredible athleticism, and its nobleness. My horses are painted with an attention to light, and with the use of visible layered brushstrokes that expressively define the horse’s features in a fresh way. I am fascinated with painting my subjects with heavier opaque layers of paint, set against thin layers of transparent washes. This contrast creates a sense of depth and interest that holds the viewer's eye.

My medium of choice is oil because I love its immediacy. I mix colours quickly and apply them as thickly or thinly as desired. I enjoy painting artworks of all sizes, but my preference is working on large canvases which allow me to truly convey the elements and feel of my subject matter. For horses, the larger the better. I want viewers to feel the same sense of awe as I do when near these incredible animals.